Growing Into Your Potential Using The Enneagram


What to Expect:

The Enneagram is much more than a personality assessment. Learning your type is helpful but it’s just the place to start from. Through our work together, you’ll learn how the tendencies and preferences you’ve developed through your conditioning derail the outcomes you most want for your life. And you’ll find the path to discovering your true self.


Introductory Enneagram Coaching Program

My introductory Enneagram Coaching program is a way to take an initial dive into this transformative work without a big investment of your time and money. You’ll receive a comprehensive iEQ9 report*, an in-depth coaching session to review and clarify your personalized report and 3 follow-up coaching sessions to learn how to integrate what you’ll learn into your life. You’ll come away with action steps for how to emphasize thoughts and behaviors supporting your aspirations and goals and release those that are causing your suffering and outcomes you don’t want.

In our first few sessions, you’ll learn about your core type and subtype (type + instinct), strengths and vulnerabilities of your type and how they show up in your life. With my guidance, you’ll see through the lens of your core type how your personality structure and ego is causing behaviors and actions that limit and even derail your life, relationships and work. We’ll build on your understanding of your core type by exploring how you respond to conflict, and personalities and situations that trigger you. Throughout our work together, we’ll bring in development practices that will help you make positive shifts and begin to respond to life in more thoughtful, less reactive ways.

You’ll gain beautiful and powerful insight into your Essence (your true, authentic self) and learn how to bring it forward in ways that will help you be in charge of your destiny and in control of your choices, decisions and how you show up in life.

Investment is $1500 and includes the iEQ9, an individualized and comprehensive guide and roadmap you can use throughout your life; and 4 one-on-one coaching sessions with me.

* iEQ9 reports are comprehensive, detailed, insightful and bring out your nuances beyond your main Enneagram style. The report is multi-layered and gives depth by adding information and awareness of subtypes, Centers of expression, triadic styles, strengths and development areas, wings, lines of stress or release, level of integration and current context measured as areas of strain.

I’ll be your coach and guide as your find your unique path to spiritual and psychological growth

I’m certified in multiple assessments that support my clients in reaching their development goals. However, I’ve never worked with a tool as powerful as the Enneagram. I’ve been immersed in Enneagram work for some time and in 2021, completed an in-depth, year-long certification program on the Enneagram and how to use it as a roadmap for rediscovering your true self. In 2024, I received my Enneagram Teacher certification and recently completed the iEQ9 Enneagram training that is designed specifically for leaders and teams.

In addition to learning your type and how to use this awareness to grow and develop in ways important to you, I’ll share tools and practices that will help you drop your need for external validation and learn to rely on your own internal resources for guidance and intelligence.