Executive Coaching with
Cheryl Stevens
Overarching Objective
An overarching objective in my client work is to help leaders deepen their self-awareness and operate in a more conscious, less reactive way. Consciousness plays a key role in how we see ourselves, others and situations in our life. It has a direct impact on our effectiveness as leaders and contributors, and what we think is possible for ourselves, the team and organization.
“Your organization will not perform at a higher level of performance than the consciousness of its leadership… Consciousness is correlated to leadership effectiveness and business performance.”
General Approach
My coaching and development work with leaders focuses on outer and inner development:
strengthening leadership and technical competencies needed for growth and success in current role (and future role if relevant)
building awareness of a leader’s inner state of being, to include their mindset, attitude, assumptions and stories, self-regard and self-confidence; and how their inner state affects decision-making, choices, relationships and overall effectiveness.
Partnering traditional development strategies with inner development tools helps leaders feel more confident and comfortable in their role. They’re more willing to make the changes needed to be more effective and grow the success of the team. They also learn the important role self-awareness and evolving consciousness play in their on-going development.
Expected Results
Experience a space so safe you’re able to look openly at areas of struggle, confusion and inadequacy
Gain a custom roadmap for how to be the kind of leader that inspires others to bring their best
Discover reactive tendencies, their causes and how to mitigate and replace them with more creative responses and behaviors
Identify areas of opportunity to be more creative, connecting and authentic
Discover the richness of your full potential and how to leverage that
Make better decisions and get stronger results by learning how to raise your consciousness and be more present
Learn authentic ways of building trust, inspiring others and facilitating success for your team
Gain valuable feedback from The Leadership Profile, a 360 assessment that’s internationally known and integrates the best theory and research on leadership, human and spiritual development.