Think you're the only one afraid?
I don’t care much for chit-chat. Even as a kid I wanted to get past the superficial. I preferred Magic 8 Ball to kick-the-can. I wanted to hear people’s hopes, dreams, and even their fears.As leaders we tend to get so focused on presenting an image of having it all together that we try to push down our doubts, or ignore them all together. Often it just makes them worse.
The truth is we all share the same fears.
We live and work so closely together yet don’t realize we’re all afraid of the same things. By keeping our cards so close to our chests we end up less productive, less engaged, and more isolated.
If we want healthy relationships it’s time to open up to vulnerable conversations.
When we dare to speak more openly with one another we judge less harshly, worry less often, and feel more connected.
That’s why I’ve created this community.
By opening up about our fears and desires we invite others to do the same. We allow for deep communication, and build stronger, healthier relationships with those around us.
I help leaders live life on their terms.
It’s time to let go of outdated ideas of who we need to be to succeed, and reclaim our true selves, innate confidence, and deep relationships.
You can start right away.
With this perspective in mind take a fresh look at your relationship with a coworker, your boss, or even your partner, parent, or child.
Practice letting your guard down to open yourself to new conversations.
Respond with curiosity rather than criticism.
Together we can evolve our relationships, our workplaces, and the world.
I want to hear a story of how you’ve opened up in a new way to enrich a relationship. Please share it below.If you’ve found this post helpful, please share it with someone else! It’s one more way to keep us connected in powerful ways.