What nature teaches us about how to express ourselves!

Every Friday at noon, I join a small group at the sacred spaces of Unity Center of Peace for what’s called Spirituality in Nature Group (SING). Others across the country join via Zoom. We come together for a shared experience of seeing what we can learn from nature. We leave with more peace, less fear and feeling more connected.

Today it was my turn to facilitate the program and my topic was: What Nature Teaches Us About Consciousness. Here are the highlights:

·      Nature goes within to rest, replenish, and prepare for more growth

·      When it’s ready, it bursts forth with new life and new growth

·      Each form is a unique expression of the Universe, bringing beauty, nourishment, shade and shelter

·      Nature knows it’s here to allow the Universe to express through it, to co-create and to evolve


We have this same life force energy in us. We are here to grow and evolve, and bring value to others and to the planet. But unlike nature, we resist, struggle with self-doubt and lack faith that transformation can really happen for us. And we’re really bad at surrendering.


Here’s the invitation I gave the group. I invite you to try it, too!


Consider all the forms of nature that surround you or maybe you’ve visited. Pick one that makes you particularly joyful or bedazzled. Imagine its metamorphosis to become what it is. What occurs? Does a shell or seed break open for life to emerge? Does it go through some form of transformation?


Now imagine yourself as a form of nature. You are more evolved, and have even more potential. Where are you holding yourself back? What shell do you need to break out of to allow new life and possibilities? What it you could trust that putting yourself out there in all your grandeur will result in something good? We’re all here to be an expression of the Universe in our own unique way. Find yours.