Why the world would be a better place if we were all coaches.
After a really good coaching session, I spend a few moments in gratitude. I acknowledge the inner and outer work of my clients in overcoming obstacles. Their willingness to let go of old beliefs so they can see in new ways and invite transformative growth.
The best gift is the warmth of knowing I’ve been blessed to witness another person’s breakthrough.
To experience another person as they truly are - without the guise of their stories - is a privilege. To hear another human being speak of their fears and the role these fears play in how they react and behave at times is an honor.
When we lead with our egos, it’s hard to be vulnerable and real. Because we won’t talk about our fears and anxieties, there’s no space created for understanding and context. Without some level of understanding, there’s no empathy and compassion. Without compassion, division grows and relationships become more broken.
I’ve been a credentialed coach since 2007. But I’ve been curious about people and why they make the choices they make all my life. I’ve wanted to go beneath the surface and meet the real person beyond the facade.
As a coach who does the deeper work with my clients, I first create a space that’s safe and void of judgement. It becomes an invitation to drop the layers of protection and pretense and just be who they are - without excuses, blame, guilt or self hate.
What if we could all approach life and relationships like a coach? Not like people who’ve chosen coaching as their profession - but like a heart-centered coach who’s fully present and brings her best tools.
Best Coaching Tools For Creating a Better World:
Here’s my list of the tools I’d bring to every interaction and my vision for the world we could create if we all showed up with new tools:
Listen more and talk less. We’ll hear more with fewer words.
Lead with curiosity instead of judgment. We’ll discover the magic in each of us and love more.
Remember that each snow flake is unique and what that must mean about us. We’ll stop expecting others to see the world as we do.
Notice commonalities, not differences. We’ll build communities around unity, not division.
Inquire more and solve less. We’ll learn more and make fewer bad decisions.
Challenge LOVE to see if it really is the answer. Who doesn’t need less hate?
Honor the “Pause”. It’s power will transform conversations, relationships and cultures.
If you’re interested in finding ways to enrich your conversations, strengthen your relationships and build cultures that invite everyone to bring their best, let’s have a conversation!
Photo by Ricardo IV Tamayo on Unsplash